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GSA Certification

Become eligible for Schedule Contracts with GSA Certification

FAMR GSA Certification Specialists uphold a 100% GSA acceptance rate are standing by to register your Qualified Small Business to access the Federal Government’s valuable GSA Contracting Opportunities

a woman being checked out at a kiosk

GSA Certification Requirements

Some of the certification requirements for organizations to qualify and successfully apply for a GSA Schedule are as follows:

  • Be in Business for at least 2 years
  • Demonstrate financial stability and proof of past performance
  • Offer available products and services commercially
  • Maintain compliance with the Trade Agreements Act across all participating nations
  • Submit written financial and technical proposals for consideration

If you believe your business qualifies for GSA certification, don’t wait to join the most trusted and convenient purchasing portal in the United States Government. To ensure that your company meets all requirements, speak with one of our senior GSA experts and get your certification started. To ensure that your company meets all GSA qualification requirements, speak with one of our senior experts and get your certification started.

Advantages of Small Business GSA Certification

First established in 1949, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is designed to streamline the government’s administrative tasks and provide organizations with a direct line of work to the federal government through the GSA Multiple Award Schedule Program (Schedule) – especially if you meet the requirements for being a small business. That includes:

  • Less than $1,000,000 in annual revenue
  • 2 years in business with the same EIN/Tax ID
  • At least 6 past performance references

GSA Certification helps Small Businesses:

  • Get a business listing in GSA Advantage to be searched and found online by buyers
  • Access a portion of annual federal contract spending reserved for Small Business Owners
  • Demonstrate business authority and good standing to federal, state, and local buyers
  • Ensure all procurement is compliant through vetted pricing that reduces business risk

How to Get on a GSA Schedule

To start earning GSA schedule contracts all small businesses need to do is get certified (also known as having a GSA Schedule), and those who do find it more than worthwhile. That’s because many government agencies are only allowed to purchase goods through GSA Schedules and other government-wide acquisition contracts, meaning those who register and qualify for GSA certification gain exclusive access to a broad range of contract opportunities.

For reference: In 2018 the GSA spent over $76 billion on professional services, and 33% of that budget was used to source products and services specifically from small businesses. That means $25 billion dollars in Schedule contract opportunities for small businesses that year, and the GSA rate of spending is growing. In fact, by the end of 2019, the GSA expects to increase their budget allocation for small business spending by reserving another 1.5% of their annual budget for them.

GSA Schedule Application Process: FAMR or DIY

To access GSA Schedule contracts, organizations first need to complete a detailed registration and reporting process with the federal government, where the difference between Schedule approvals, delays, and denials often comes down to the tiniest clerical errors.


GSA registration requires organizations to spend dozens of hours completing paperwork and submitting their business information, with the entire process taking up to over a year depending on the applicant’s resources and experience level.


But whether you choose to certify with us, or alone, it’s important that interested businesses don’t wait to get started. The GSA reviews all Schedule applications in the same order that they arrive—and due to a backlog of applicants—it’s common for the submission review process to take over 12 months by itself.

FAMR – Let Us get your GSA Schedule Application Covered

Work with us to simplify the GSA certification process. We’ll start off by asking you to send over some general information about your business and speak with you about what to expect from the steps of your certification process.

Then We’ll Step In

From discovering which GSA Schedules will perform best for your business, to determining your most effective pricing strategies, and crafting your business proposals and negotiation points with the GSA, we’ll be by your side for every part of your certification process to ensure everything goes perfectly.

Benefits of Partnering with FAMR vs. DIY
  • Effortless Registration – Faster, Easier, and more Accurate than self-submitted applications. You provide your business info, and we’ll take care of the rest.
  • Teammates you can Trust – FAMR’s GSA certification specialists are a passionate team that specializes in registering qualified businesses to work alongside the federal government. We’ve helped businesses of all kinds achieve federal and GSA certification status and are more than happy to walk you through every step of your GSA certification process to assure your confidence.

(855) 718-1264

DIY – Completing GSA Certification Alone

Businesses who want to file for a GSA Schedule themselves can do so by learning how to navigate the multiple steps of the GSA application process and after registering at

The GSA also provides online resources and self-study training tools to help businesses educate themselves on the nuances of how to get GSA certified. But don’t forget, the federal government requires a lot of detailed information before it can approve your GSA Schedule application, and it all needs to be submitted in just the right way.

Inaccurate reporting on a qualified business’ status, past performance, and other crucial factors can refuse them Schedule contracting opportunities unless they restart the entire months-to-year-long certification process over again. Even when a business does manage to acquire their GSA Schedule despite some minor filing inaccuracies, that misrepresented information can heavily damage their ability to appeal to future buyers.

Challenges of GSA Self Certification
  • Months of Applications – Applying for a GSA Schedule with the federal government is a roughly year-long and in-depth process that takes dedicated time, patient communication, and attention to detail.
  • No Room for Errors – Mistakes made during the GSA certification process can easily cost a business more time and opportunities than they can afford to lose.
  • DIY Registration – The GSA Schedule application and certification process can be completed by those who learn how to accurately file their business information and have the manpower to complete the exhaustive process.
Your Federal Contracts are Just a Registration Away

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